"Lvivske Porter" - a special kind of dark beer with malt and wine flavor. This hoppy drink has a unique bouquet ofcenturies-polished aroma.
Lvivske is the oldest Ukrainian beer, which monks began brewing back in 1715. Nowadays, Lvivske has become part of the Ukrainian history.
Lvivske 1715" is a light beer of impeccable quality, based on three hundred years of traditions and even older secrets of Lviv breweries.
"Robert Doms Belgian" is a light unfiltered beer with a mild malty taste, characterized by a sweet wheat hue and a light spicy-fruity taste.
The history of Lvivska Brewery, the oldest brewery in modern Ukraine, started in the distant 1715. It is commonly known that back then monasteries played an important role in brewing. Monks were not just good craftsmen — they possessed a deep knowledge of brewing. In the quiet of their monastery cells, they would peruse ancient scripts to select the best recipes and brewing techniques. Through experiments, the monks were brewing their “own and good” beer.